用于玻璃熔窑投料口处L型吊墙 吊墙结构安全,使用寿命长,是延长整个熔窑寿命必不可少的措施之一。吊墙下沿线离池壁**面的距离小,从而可实现更薄层投料,以利于配合料熔化;可减少窑头的穿火、飞料,从而节约能源和改善环境。使用寿命10年以上。 L-shaped wall used at furnace doghouse. With its safe structure and long service life, the suspended back wall serves as one of the essential measures for prolonging the whole furnace life. The distance between the foot line of L-shaped wall and top surface of sidewall is short, which allows thinner batch feeding so that the batch can be melted more easily. It can also reduce fire and batch running at the charge end and hence energy can be saved and environment improved. Its service life can reach above 10 years.